smokeypsd: barbert: Willem Dafoe photographed by Tim Barber Much like Lance, can’t not recognize him.

smokeypsd: theshedork: Blade Runner Tin Tin… Mr. Hipp you are too much… Can I just marry you now? Amazingly creative.

smokeypsd: In 1934 the MPAA voluntarily passed the Motion Picture Production Code, more generally known as the Hays Code, largely to avoid governmental regulation. The code prohibited certain plotlines and imagery from films and in publicity materials produced by the MPAA. Among others, there was to be no cleavage, no lace underthings, no drugs or…

big-nowhere: Review Across my experiences with film noir, I’ve found that a lot of the best, most memorable ones are always the nastiest ones. The ones in which none of the characters have few or no redeeming qualities, in which bad things happen to them and you don’t care because you know they deserve it,…