a-bittersweet-life: Director Stanley Kubrick with Arthur C. Clarke, the writers of 2001: A Space Odyssey. My favourite picture of the two of them together.

sadiemoss: For my Film Noir project I started off by looking at the Femme Fatale figure and how to go about drawing her. I experimented with elongating the figure and began incorporating the blinds through patterns on her hair and dress. I recently had a tutorial and my lecturer suggested moving away from the femme fatale and focusing on the…

fiufilm: FREE FILM NOIR MOVIES During the 1940s and 50s, Hollywood entered a “noir” period, producing riveting films based on hard-boiled fiction. These films were set in dark locations and shot in a black & white aesthetic that fit like a glove. Hardened men wore fedoras and forever smoked cigarettes. Women played the femme fatale…

eltopoxl: I’m pretty obsessed with film Noir so here’s a few of my attempts to duplicate it

ruggednraw: Noir doesn’t necessarily have to be black & white. It’s all in the lighting and shadows.